What am I doing here?
This website is a makeshift of a book and blog describing my journey as a PhD candidate. I wish to narrate all my joy and effort in science, because I believe that academic endeavor relies on honesty. In this page, and the following pages to come, I am sharing the essence of what I learned throughout the years as I hope to entice the readers with the beauty and bluntness in research. I hope to encourage the readers to see what I saw, feel what I felt, and think what I thought. You will find several resources I neatly arranged in the learning space, where I note down topics that enriched my research.
What are you doing here?
I will leave the answer to this question at your discretion. Though, if you are unhappy with my work, I would always warmly welcome any critique, thought, and suggestion. This site is equipped with Giscus and hypothes.is, so anyone should be able to jot their ideas down in any place they deem fitting. To annotate or highlight using hypothes.is, you simply need to block a text with the cursor, as shown below.