
  • IADB network analysis revision:
    • Resolve all the comments
    • Send by Friday evening at the earliest or Monday afternoon at the latest
    • Consider using collaboration platform such as Overleaf to make it easier to comment
  • Scoping review revision:
    • Split the article into two \(\to\) Ensure that both has enough contents to report and discuss
    • Send the Google Docs link to Prof. Frederike and Prof. Talitha


  • Initialize the ABM model with something simple
  • Use small-world network to simulate social network \(\to\) Give a clear justification for this approach
  • Explain the rationale of performing network-based simulation for policy analysis


Group 7

  • Not enough information on the therapeutic vaue of the drug
  • Incomplete reimbursement of Riprenitinib in NL
  • It is a tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitor
  • PICO:
    • Patient with advance GI tumor
    • Riprenitinib
    • Control/care: Care as usual
    • Outcome: Survival, overall survival, QoL, adverse event
  • Budget impact: EUR 2 mil/year, but the COE is unknown
  • Complete comparison can’t be done because Riprenitinib is prescribed alongside other medications
  • Decision: Can only be reimbursed only in final stage of the cancer
  • Questions:
    • What is the time period in PICO? \(\to\) Because overall survival is mentioned
    • The benefit is not statistically significant \(\to\) Compared to what?

Group 13

  • Kaftrio: To treat cystic fibrosis
  • Decision problem: Kaftrio was copared to Symkevi and to symptomatic treatment
  • Decision: Not to reimburse Kaftrio
  • PICO:
    • P: Patients over 12 years with mutation of CFTR gene
    • I: Kaftrio tablet
    • C: Homozygous mutation: symptomatic treatment; Heterozygous: Symkevi tablet
    • O: Improved FEV1, decrease in exacerbations
    • T: 6 months with 12 months follow-up
  • Cost of intervention:
    • Heterozygous: EUR 194,949
    • Homozygous: EUR 31,240
  • COE:
    • Homozygous ICER EUR 210,695/QALY (threshold EUR 50K)
    • Heterozygous ICER EUR 283,991/QALY (threshold EUR 80K)

Group 11

  • Codeine for cough or pain: Should it be reimbursed?
  • Decision: Not reimbursed because not proven effective for cough or pain
  • Stakeholders: Healthcare providers, patients, health insurance companies, regulators
  • Medical intervention: Codeine tablet as a cough suppressant
  • PICO:
    • P: Patient with chronic pain
    • I: Codeine
    • C: Non-opioid like dextrometrophan
    • O: Cough intensity and frequency
    • T: Three days
  • Cost: EUR 22/person/year
  • Budget impact: EUR 20 mil/year
  • No cost effectiveness study
  • Question:
    • What about the adverse events?

Group 5

  • Semiglutide for obesity treatment
  • Case:
    • Semaglutide work on GLP-1
    • GLP-1 stimulates insulin and inhibits glucagon
    • Prevalence of severe obesity is 14%
  • Semaglutide has a good short-term effect, but not long-term effect
  • Decision: Not to reimburse (Jul 2024)
  • Cost: EUR 1.3 bil/year
  • Reimbursing Semiglutide for treaing obesity might cause global shortage because Semiglutide is already used to treat diabetes mellitus
  • Semiglutide is given only if calorie-restricted diet does not work
  • Semiglutide is administered weekly via subcutaneous injection
  • PICO:
    • P: Patients >12 years old with obesity
    • I: Semiglutide subcutaneous injection in 16 weeks
    • C: Pharmacological and non-pharmacological obesity treatments
    • O: BMI reduction >= 5%, psychological well-being
    • T: 16 weeks
  • Cost: EUR 2,800/person/year
  • Questions:
    • What pharmacological treatments were being used as a control?
    • How effective is it to reduce BMI >= 5% over 16 weeks?

Group 1

  • Omalizumab treats severe asthma
  • Omalizumab is an IgE-binding monoclonal antibody \(\to\) Subcutaneous administration every 2-4 weeks
  • It is used in patients >= 6 yo, unsuccessful treatment with high-dose ICS & long-acting beta agonist
  • PICO:
    • P: Severe persistent allergic asthma uncontrolled by standard therapies
    • I: Omalizumab as add on
    • C: Inhaled corticosteroids & long-acting beta-agonist
    • O: Less asthma exacerbations and increased QoL
    • T: 16 weeks of treatment, 3-6 months control, care up to 10 years
  • Cost: EUR 1,893 - 30,291/person/year
  • Budget impact: EUR 22.7 mil/year on average (threshold EUR 10 mil/year)
  • COE: EUR 38,371/QALY (threshold EUR 80K/QALY)
  • Question:
    • How effective is it clinically compared to care as usual?

Group 9

  • Evolocumab for dyslipidemia
  • Decision problem: If we add this drug to the standard therapy, will it reduce cardiovascular problem?
  • Standard therapy is effective, but some patients can’t control their lipid profile
  • Cardiovascular disease and stroke was reduced by 15% with the use of Evolocumab
  • Decision: Will be reimbursed for a very specific group
  • PICO:
    • P: Patients with cardiovascular disease and dyslipidemia not responding to statin
    • I: Evolocumab + statin
    • C: Placebo + statin
    • O: Reduction in major cardiovascular events
  • Cost: USD 11,134/patient/year, while the care as usual is USD 393/person/year
  • COE: USD 268,367/QALY
  • Question:
    • What is the adverse effect we need to be aware of?
    • Considering major cardiovascular events as the outcome, is there any survival analysis on this medication?

Group 3

  • Decision problem: Peanut allergy is the most prevalent food allergy in the UK
  • Palforzia is a peanut powder in a controlled dose
  • Palforzia costs GBP 10.12/person/day, amounted to GBP 3,694/person/year
  • Decision: The treatment is reimbursed by NHS
  • COE: GBP 23,745/QALY (threshold GBP 30,000/QALY)
  • PICO:
    • P: Patients 4-17 yo with a diagnosed peanut allergy
    • I: Palforzia + peanut avoidance
    • C: Only peanut avoidance + antihistamines if needed
    • O: Peanut allergyy desensitization
    • T: Lifelong horizon for follow up


  • Model comparison, please refer to:
    • ISPOR good model practice guideline
    • Policy analysis textbook
    • Decision science book
    • Decision making in health and medicine
  • Assisting the introduction to health economics:
    • Lead 7 groups of students for presentation
    • 10 minutes presentation + 10 minutes Q&A per group
    • 10 minutes break every 2-3 presentation
    • Presentation schedule:
      • 40 minutes: Group 13, group 7
      • 10 minutes: Break
      • 60 minutes: Group 11, group 5, group 1
      • 10 minutes: Break
      • 60 minutes: Group 9, group 3


  • Include RUG work in the time schedule:
    • Ongoing research: IADB and scoping review
    • Upcoming research: ABM design and validation
  • Send the time schedule to Prof. Mako and Prof. Evi
  • Alternative meeting schedule:
    • Wednesday (26 Feb) morning at 10.00 CEST
    • Friday (28 Feb) morning at 09.30 CEST


  • Change from dual doctorate to dual supervision
  • Take out the fourth chapter from RUG work \(\to\) Dedicate this chapter for UI work
  • Research question: What is the level of psychological resilience in the general Indonesian population?
  • General approach: Quantitative survey + qualitative FGD
  • Supervisors from UI should be the main supervisors for this project:
    • Prof. Mako will direct how the survey should be done to comply with best practice from epidemiological perspective
    • Prof. Evi will direct how the FGD should take place to comply with best practice from qualitative approach
  • Supervisors from RUG will aid in the process:
    • Prof. Talitha will direct how the survey questions can be used in a health economic model
    • Prof. Frederike will direct how the survey and FGD should address public mental health issues from psychiatric perspective


  • TSP:
    • Prof. Frederike as supervisor, not co-supervisor
    • Add notes on how each supervisor contribute and their expertise, e.g., Prof. Mako as an expert in epidemiology will contribute in guiding the interpretation from public health perspective
  • Scoping review:
    • Move the subsection in introduction to the method section
    • Reword the research question, so it fits nicely as a part of the paragraph
    • Provide supplementary file to explain AI in the loop for thematic analysis
    • When reporting the thematic analysis results, state that this is the summary of what I read in the included articles
    • Plan for a kick-off meeting with all co-authors \(\to\) Brainstorm what will be included in the discussion sections


  • TSP and double doctorate planning:
    • Recap: The paperwork is in the office, but there seems to be miscommunication with UI
    • Issue: UI requested framework agreement, while RUG prefer individual agreement \(\to\) UI and RUG have done that before
    • RUG and UI need to agree and clarification on the MOU, AOI, TSP, and other documents
    • Negotiation will be done by RUG international office
    • We need more frequency of combined supervision with UI \(\to\) Fix the date or frequency of meeting
    • Complete TSP before leaving Groningen
  • Preparing for the ABM model:
    • Read about model development and validation process
    • Join PharmacoEconomic course \(\to\) Can’t find it on these sites, need to ask who the PIC is:
      • https://gsms.rug.nl/
      • https://gsse.rug.nl/


  • Dual doctorate administrative tasks:
    • Prof. Talitha will check on the TSP by Friday
    • Follow up the email to dr. Indri and Bu Tami
    • Mention who the PIC from the RUG side
  • IADB work:
    • Send the draft to all collaborators tomorrow
    • Will need to revise the abstract \(\to\) Limit it to 250-300 words
    • List out three relevant target journals, mention it to the team
  • Preference for meeting:
    • January the 3rd
    • The last week of January: Between the 26th and 31st
  • Work on ABM design:
    • Starts from the review, it is informed by the results
    • There’s a guidance on how to use expert’s opinion to give qualitative input on the ABM design
    • Draft a protocol about how we validate the model
    • We can report the model design’s face validation with experts and patient representatives
    • Send the publication on ABM packages in R and python
    • Send the abstract about ABM design to ISPOR 2025 \(\to\) Deadline in May
  • Prepare for LOLA HESG \(\to\) Submit the scoping review


  • Dual doctorate:
    • Ralph will send email to staffs from the graduate school
    • If UI reply the email, forward it to Ralph
    • We focus on TSP, pay more attention to the timeline and overlapping projects
    • For RUG, it’s sufficient to have an individual agreement \(\to\) Focus on AOI
    • Requirement from Groningen:
      • At least stay in RUG for 12 months and in UI for 6 months
      • Needs an agreement of joint supervision between RUG and UI, i.e. 50:50 or 60:40
      • Potential solution:
  • TSP and courses:
    • We can work on TSP with Prof. Mako and other supervisors from UI
    • UI coursework can be uploaded to Hora Finita \(\to\) Discuss with Prof. Talitha and Prof. Frederike


  • IADB work, suggestions from Spyros:
    • In the methods section, add explanation about graph as a mathematical concept: What characterized a graph? When is a graph undirected? \(\to\) Think about the intended audience, better to explain it in the layman term to capture a more general audiences.
    • Explain what adjacency matrix is in a section about graph as a concept.
    • In the measuring importance subsection, discuss about centrality measures in social network analysis. Explain what it offers in analyzing polypharmacy networks. Cite “The Structure of Complex Network: Theory and Applications” by Estrada.
    • In the SSA decomposition subsection, explain what a lag operator does \(\to\) Can be technical in the supplement. Avoid technical jargon in the main manuscript, focus on the general concept and its intended interpretation.
    • Elaborate table 1 in the results section
  • Scoping review:
    • Still waiting for Nora to complete coding quality scoring \(\to\) Expected to finish by next Wednesday
    • Ask Nora to stop the scoring \(\to\) Reread the article on LLM-in-loop for thematic analysis, find out how to best score the agreement.
    • Prof. Evi, Prof. Mako, and dr. Damar will join as co-authors \(\to\) We need an initial meeting with all involved authors:
      • Prof. Evi and Prof. Mako may give insight from epidemiology and public health perspective \(\to\) We will discuss this with Prof. Mako
      • dr. Damar may give insight from the stakeholder perspective: What does the policymaker need to know about the mechanism of psychological resilience?
  • Dual doctorate:
    • Propose a meeting with Prof. Nurhayati, dr. Indri, dr. Baiduri, and Bu Tami to further discuss this issue \(\to\) Focus on an individual agreement, then we can plan a more overarching agreement
      • Prof. Talitha is assigned as a co-promotor in UI, Prof. Mako is assigned as a co-promotor in RUG
      • The AOI should clearly delineate the structure of joint thesis
    • Ask dr. Indri if RUG should invite other parties
    • Contact Bu Dian to plan for the follow-up meeting
  • Adjusting TSP for dual doctorate program:
    • Find course on agent-based model \(\to\) Prefer on-site course, not online
    • Include the first and second chapter of UI proposal as intro essay in RUG
    • Recheck on the psychiatric epidemiology course
    • Describe about ABM application \(\to\) Whether to apply to Indonesia/Netherlands population
    • Chapter 3 is optional
    • Skip chapter 4, focus more on the survey
    • Chapter 5: ABM design and application, we can split it into two chapters if we don’t do survey
    • Indicate which works belong to UI and/or RUG
  • Have a chat with Cornelius Postma about digital health transformation
  • ABM design: Start drafting protocol by January 2025
  • Talk with Ralph about DD with UGM


  • Dual doctorate:
    • UI needs a framework agreement, RUG doesn’t have the template
    • RUG has taken up contact with UI, there’s no reply yet since the 16th of October
    • Need to ask UI how to proceed
    • Needs a detailed description of the agreement, needs to be described in the TSP
    • Figure out the requirements, discuss it on the 28th of November
    • Keep Prof. Talitha in the loop when communicating with dr. Indri and Mba Tami
  • Future work between UI and RUG:
    • Check out potential candidates for dual doctorate programme
    • Find out about health economics research group in FKM UI
  • ABM:
    • Review on the rationale why it is necessary to use ABM
    • Compare ABM with Multi-Agent Model, Discrete Event Simulation, and State Transition Model
    • Create a short presentation comparing ABM, MAM, DES, and STM
  • IADB:
    • Complete the revision
    • Use journal finder, and share with collaborators which journals we can submit to
  • Scoping review: Ongoing scoring for thematic analysis


  • ISPOR poster:
    • Make the introduction more concise
    • Comply with the RUG template
  • Scoping review:
    • Objective: To understand the mechanism of resilience
    • The line of reasoning is missing between resilience and ABM, need to restructure the introduction:
      • Start with policymaking to improve resilience \(\to\) Combatting depression, anxiety, burnout
      • we need ABM to simulate the efficacy,
      • then explain resilience,
      • ends it with the objective to understand resilience
    • Resilience as mediator
    • Define resilience in the introduction
    • Make a simple figure about resilience and stress (moderation and mediator)
    • Create a figure containing mediation, moderation, or other mechanism of resilience for state, trait, and outcome-oriented definition
    • Add a footnote on figure 1 explaining: mediation can be observed by following the closed arrow from stress to resilience to mental health outcomes
    • Make the results more structured to help the readers understand the logic


  • Tell Bert that this is still a WIP and we plan to conduct the next study with the same data
  • ISPOR poster presentation:
    • Ask Lisa who else joined ISPOR
    • Check whether ISPOR use digital/printed poster
    • Copy center in Groningen for printing the poster
  • Oral presentation:
    • It should be a small conference
    • Consider joining EUHEA, European conference at SMDM, ENMESH, EUPHA
    • Consider making a workshop \(\to\) Invite other collaborators
    • Draft of an agent-based model fits nicely with SMDM
    • ENMESH for scoping review, it’s a biannual conference
    • Submit the abstract to LOLA in January and full paper in April, it’s every May \(\to\) It’s in the Netherlands
    • Health economic conference for mental health in Venice \(\to\) No website, only in email, held annually in spring
  • Contact the contact person in UI about double doctorate
  • Reschedule the meeting on the 21st of November to 28th of November
  • Think more about remote working in January and February


  • To complete PhD, a candidate needs to publish at least 1 article as the first author
    • Beware of predatory journals, check Beall’s list
    • Should be at least a Q2
    • In the Netherlands, there’s a shift on the criteria of PhD completion (usually: 3 published articles + 2 finished chapters + introduction and discussion)
  • Qualification of authorship is different in each field
  • Use JCR ranking to determine journal quality
  • Some publishers provide a fast track system, for example BMJ


  • Scoping review:
    • Write it clearly that the figure is at least based on positive finding from one paper
    • Use the thematic analysis to argue the most important explanation on resilience
    • Choose one mechanism to use in the model
    • Conclude whether resilience mediates or moderates
    • Simplify the conceptual model
      • Create a sub-figure focus more on link to depression, anxiety, and burnout
      • Discuss with expert in mental health (psychologist and psychiatrist)
    • Complete the thematic analysis by next week
  • IADB work: Already received suggestions from Spyros
  • ABM work: When the main module is completed, discuss it with experts


  • Contact Prof. Evi and invite her as a part of supervisory team
  • Scoping review:
    • There’s a local LLM in RIVM
    • Ask AI group in RUG about LLM
    • Waiting for Nora to calculate agreement
    • Draft an email to Prof. Talitha about the current issue with ChatGPT and what the desirable solution is
    • Submit the abstract to IHEA
    • Start drafting the manuscript, expect to finish by early November
  • Ask colleagues in psychiatry and psychology about researchers whose topic is depression simulatiion modelling
  • IADB analysis: Send reminder to collaborators on Monday


  • Explain what kind of resilience is extracted in the protocol
  • Explain why use ICD-10 not DSM-V
  • In the introduction section, explain the rationale of using scoping review to develop the modelling framework of an agent-based simulation



  • Continue the qualitative data analysis \(\to\) Hard deadline on the next weekly meeting
  • Contact colleagues:
    • Paul Ulrich \(\to\) Patient representative
    • Katerina
  • Present it during PhD lunch after we complete the study
  • Consider finding physiological parameters of stress for modelling study:
    • Cortisol level
    • Heart-rate variability
    • Temporo-medial EEG activity
  • Check consistency for the qualitative data analysis:
    • Take five articles randomly
    • Assign it to Nora
    • Explain what themes to extract
    • Assess similarity to what we found


  • News from Ralph: They will send a form and the updated version of RUG-UI MoU to GSE
    • Confirm who the contact person in UI
    • To be discussed with Prof. Mako in October
    • Discuss also with Prof. Mako how to combine both theses
  • Scoping review:
  • Check out resources on microsimulation \(\to\) Hesim
  • Ask Stef
  • Read publications by Karin Stronks (Amsterdam), it’s about system modelling of interventions against burnout in working population
  • To prepare ABM, we need to discuss with other researchers, ask:
    • How to make the model more conceptually accurate
    • We need to think about the balance between complexity and reality
    • Simplify the model and think about how to quantify the parameters
    • Big question: How do you plan to quantify the model?


  • In scoping review:
    • Aim: To formulate an agent-based model of resilience
    • Contact people from patient organization: Paul and others from Evanement
  • IADB work:
    • Contact collaborators:
      • Ask Jens whether he would like to comment on the current draft
      • Remind Spyros about the manuscript
    • The abstract is wordy, I need to simplify it
  • In two weeks we will revisit the scoping review \(\to\) Hard deadline
  • In three weeks we will revisit the IADB work \(\to\) Soft deadline


  • Scoping review:
    • Coordinate with Nora to finalize full-text screening
    • Start data extraction
    • Do qualitative analysis
  • IADB analysis:
    • Create a descriptive table for polypharmacy
    • Include also the basic statistics: mean, median, SD, IQR
  • Ask Arnout Smit about psychiatry epidemiology course
  • Check schedule for advanced LLM in ISPOR 2024
  • Contact people from Global Health to confirm who will attend ISPOR 2024


  • Check pharmacoepidemiology journal
  • Introduction:
    • Reword the introduction, don’t use indispensable, use important
    • Put less emphasis on the eigenvector centrality, need to rephrase the last sentence of the last paragraph
    • Reword the hypothesis because we are using eigenvector centrality; align it with the objective in abstract
  • Methods:
    • Describe IADB and the access date to the database
    • Don’t duplicate explanation on technical parts, compare it to the introduction, check the explanation on eigenvector centrality
    • Omit the terminology on knowledge graph
  • Results:
    • In the descriptive results, we need to categorize the type of polypharmacy
    • Move the daily-variation figure to the supplementary file
    • Make the scientific annotation more consistent, e.g. when reporting the eigenvector centrality we can limit to two digits after decimal mark and use \(c_e x 10^{-n}\)
  • Discussion:
    • First paragraph: Discuss about polypharmacy
    • Second paragraph: Explain the concordance with other literatures
    • Third paragraph: Explain about the DPN
    • Fourth paragraph: Strength
    • Fifth paragraph: Limitation
      • Lost of individual values
      • Add limitation about weighting the DDD \(\to\) How does it reflect augmented polypharmacy?


  • Discuss IADB draft by next week (2024-08-22)
  • Remind Prof. Mako for a meeting among supervisors
  • Ask around other people in the department about qualitative research
    • Prof. von Dijke
    • Sieta
    • Kaying Kan (now a postdoc)
  • Check Equator website, find quality scoring for real-world evidence paper, e.g. GRADE for study design
  • GetReal EU study
  • Publishing the IADB work:
    • Journal of pharmacoepidemiology \(\to\) Discuss with Prof. Eelko Hak
    • American/European epidemiological journal
    • Social science in medicine
    • Check other DPN publication
    • Check also psychiatry journals
  • Submit the abstract to IHEA (Bali): IADB work, SKI preprint, or scoping review \(\to\) Check the deadline


  • Scoping review:
    • Add resilience as mediator
    • Exclude coping behavior
    • Consider defining the psychological outcomes to make it a bit more specific
  • Psychological outcomes are defined as ICD-10 from F20-F59 and its related signs/symptoms


  • For DD: Needs an MoU between FSE and UI
  • Discuss with Prof. Mako about the DD and administration challenge
  • Draft an email to FSE regarding the MoU between FSE and UI \(\to\) Send this to Prof. Talitha first
  • Prof. Talitha and Prof. Frederike will be on holiday by the end of June
  • Reschedule next week’s meeting to the week after \(\to\) This will only be with Prof. Frederike


  • Network analysis manuscript:
    • Substitute the author position between Prof. Frederike and Spyros
    • Use common terminology: dynamic network analysis
    • Change title: “Eigenvector centrality as a metric of polypharmacy: a dynamic network analysis to quantify co-prescription around antidepressants and anxiolytics”
    • Look at the definition of polypharmacy
    • In the background: clarify about comorbidity \(\to\) comorbid to chronic diseases
    • In the discussion: find the link between diagnoses using high eigenvector centrality medications
    • Clarify the background and objectives, state why network analysis is relevant in this case
    • In the introduction: explain why we need to make a surveillance system for polypharmacy
    • Discuss the method section with Spyros before finalizing the results
    • We need prevalence of co-morbidity in people with depression or anxiety \(\to\) Put it in the discussion section
  • Scoping review:
    • If we get too many screened articles, limit to the recent 20 years
    • Indicate the type of population in the included articles


  • Email collaborators for IADB work later on this week to update about abstract that will be submitted to ISPOR
  • Presentation prep:
    • Present slower \(\to\) Adjust your breathing, plant the feet to the floor
    • In example: Explain the drug, not the ATC code
    • Add the limitation:
    • Add a flow diagram of medication cleaning
    • Explain at first that this is a network analysis on polypharmacy
    • Skip the explanation of network measures, focus more on eigenvector centrality


  • 9-mo interview form is in Prof. Frederike, I will receive it after she signed it
  • Prof. Talitha will email Prof. Ralph about the DD program
  • Prof. Frederike will follow up on the lunch meeting ICPE
  • IADB data analysis:
    • Talk with Jens on how to remove the data with DDD outliers
    • One option is to remove based on the period of use
    • Change the table header: It’s not weighted DDD, it’s a weight to generate edges
    • As a follow up: Prof. Talitha will contact a pharmacist to further discuss our finding on eigenvector centrality


  • Descriptive findings of IADB:
    • Distribution of DDD for each medication
    • Tabular description of the data
  • Inform Fang so that I can present my work on the 5th of June
  • Move the biweekly meeting to 13th of June
  • Prepare a slide for PEGET meeting \(\to\) 20 minutes per presenter


  • Remove action points from the revised TSP \(\to\) Include the project definition into TSP
    • Chapter 1: Still some rooms for revision, need to work on comments in the document later
    • Chapter 2: Revise the draft
    • Chapter 3: Make sure that this is connected with chapter 2
    • Chapter 4: Outside of Prof. Talitha’s expertise, need a co-author who knows a bit more on this concept (especially LDI, and MINI)
      • Check Lifelines Wiki
      • Check literatures using LDI and MINI
    • Chapter 5: Narrow down the scope to universal mental health promotion program in workplace
      • Check the literatures on Dutch and international
      • Make sure that the model is transferrable
  • Revise the TSP and include the project definition as an appendix:
    • Edit the timeline: include preparation, execution, and reporting phases
      • Y1 and Y2: detailed per quarter
      • Y3 and Y4: detailed per semester
    • Remove plan on survey
    • Add chapter plans
  • Work on the interpretation of findings
    • Less jargon, more verbose concept
    • Always include an introduction
    • Focus on the research question and answer it
  • Decide the journal for IADB manuscript \(\to\) Involve Spyros for this manuscript
  • For each chapter, decide who to involve and when to involve them
  • Involve Prof. Mako from the start for the 1st and 4th chapters
  • Involve Prof. Frederike more in the scoping review


  • Contact Prof. Mako for a bimonthly meeting
  • Fill in and send the 9-mo interview form \(\to\) Send it by EOW
  • Submit the IADB abstract to EUPHA and ISPOR
  • RIVM research group will attend EUHEA as well \(\to\) Networking with Hanneke to talk about resilience
  • Weighting method when creating a DPN:
    • Dividing and normalizing (what I did)
    • Multiply by dose
    • Multiply by dose then log
  • Lunch meeting with Prof. Frederike’s group on Tuesday \(\to\) Many talks about dynamic model in psychiatry
  • Ask Steef about who might be involved in dynamic model in psychiatry


  • Chapter 1:
    • The topic is too broad
    • Need to include someone with an expertise on resilience
    • Reformulate the research question to be more narrow: “How does resilience work as a moderator in relation with stressors and mental disorders?”
    • In project scope, explain that neurobiological/physiological mechanistic explanation is not a part of the review
    • In activity plan: Contact collaborators sooner
    • Action point: Make the question simpler, contact the librarian, create an inclusion based on model for chapter 5
  • Chapter 2: Involve Spyros for this chapter
  • Chapter 3: Narrow down the objective to evaluate psychopharmaca uses of anxiolytics and antidepressants
  • Chapter 4:
    • We need someone with an expertise in psychological resilience
    • Signifies how this chapter is required for modelling
  • Chapter 5:
    • Limit the scenario to universal intervention
    • Focus the intervention to workplace-based
    • Send the paper on about resilience
    • State that we only focus on depression and anxiety part of MINI using Lifelines data


  • Send the initial draft before the 3rd of April
  • Send the ABM papers to Prof. Talitha
  • Read more about the international guideline on polypharmacy
  • To learn in project management course \(\to\) Delegating task and collaborating with others


  • Three courses of action upon the 9-mo interview:
    • Plan A: Re-align the research purpose, go with the current supervisory team
    • Plan B: Find another suitable supervisor
    • Plan C: Terminate studentship
  • Course on science communication
  • Start the introductory essay by explaining ABM, limit to 3,000 words
  • Write with less jargon


  • Scoping review:
    • Look a little bit into resilience, find some general review on resilience and formulate a question on this
      • Make a clear inclusion and exclusion criteria
      • Create a working definition of resilience → Done, write it explicitly
      • Check if the body of evidence is sufficient → Do it for plan B as well
      • Find a co-author with expertise on state resilience
  • Plan B: Scoping review on the measurement of resilience
  • Concurrent psychopharmaca uses: Send a draft of introduction + methods, deadline on the 19th of April
  • Trend of psychopharmaca uses:
    • Formulate the questions better → Why do we need to monitor it this way?
    • What is the societal problem to solve here?
    • Example: The danger of polypharmacy
    • Other idea: Look at the duration of use → Read more literature on this
  • Lifelines study: Research question \(\to\) How applicable is the residual method of measuring resilience?
  • ABM: Publish the model-building procedure


  • Having a discussion with Hanneke from RIVM \(\to\) PI for youth model on mental health
  • Research group in Rotterdam using a group-based model
  • Conceptual framework:
    • Simplify the outcome to only include depression
    • Give a rationale why medication can influence resilience
  • IADB analysis:
    • Create a summary descriptive analysis for the original IADB dataset
    • Measure time of follow up for each person
    • Eigenvector centrality: Sort out pattern of co-prescription systematically
    • For discussion section: Compare with other papers evaluating co-prescriptions
  • Explain and discuss the plan for the chapter outlines \(\to\) Then explain how they are connected
  • Think about the author team
  • It takes about 8 month to prepare a data request for Lifelines \(\to\) Consult Taichi on this


  • IADB analysis:
    • Make a simulation to assess which weighting method suits the dataset \(\to\) Per discussion with Spyros:
      • Baseline: Unregularized matrix of number of claims
      • Weight 1: \(\frac{1}{k} \left( \frac{n_i}{DDD_i} + \frac{n_j}{DDD_j} \right); k \in \{1, ..., 9\}\)
      • Weight 2: \(\frac{1}{k} \left( \frac{n_i + n_j}{DDD_i + DDD_j} \right); k \in \{1, ..., 9\}\)
    • Continue the analysis plan:
      • Find the best-fitting model for each series
      • Conduct an interrupted time-series analysis
      • Fit a VAR model for eigenvector centrality and the number of claim
    • Consider fitting an exponential random graph model to temporal graphs of co-medication
  • Prepare the document for the 9-month interview
  • Recheck the TSP and review the thesis component
  • Determine how to outline the thesis


  • Discussion with Prof. Eelko:
    • Ensure that the query is well controlled \(\to\) No growing/shrinking population
    • The data should reflect a static cohort from 2018 to 2022
    • Subset the patient to only include DDD = 1
  • Need to think more about why regularize against DDD


  • Discussion with Prof. Frederike:
    • Prepare a slide outlining my plan
    • Use some parts from proposal presentation
    • Emphasize how these projects will go inline
    • Main goal: Implementing ABM to measure the cost-effectiveness of public health policy related to mental resilience
  • Survey:
    • Further correspondence
  • ISPOR: Think more about what to achieve in two years
  • ABM:
    • Check out courses on health economics \(\to\) Usually starts in Autumn
    • Mastricht/Rotterdam might have a course on modelling with R \(\to\) Contact Jinjing Fu


  • Visit https://brightspace.rug.nl/ to access learning materials
  • Questions to ask to students:
    • How do you calculate the cost?
    • What does the histogram imply?
  • Scoring:
    • Prof. Talitha will send an example of well-written report
    • Score the essay using a rubrik/standardized grading form
  • Every group will handle two excel files for QALY and pain score


  • Produce diagnostic plot of eigentriple plot from SSA
  • Schedule a meeting with Prof. Frederike
  • Prepare a short slide containing:
    • Updated research questions
    • Brief on methods
    • Diagnostic plots
    • Preliminary results
  • Check out TRIMBOS NEMESIS \(\to\) They use CIDI in Netherlands


  • Add weekly aggregate of sociodemographic data as a covariate when performing further modelling, discuss it with Jens:
    • Age
    • Sex (ratio of male:female)
  • Draft a analytic plan for modelling:
    • Model selection phase
    • Interrupted time series analysis
    • Vector autoregression between eigenvector centrality and number of claims
  • Allocate at least one day to revisit the draft on umbrella review
  • Plan a meeting with Jens and Prof. Frederike


  • Umbrella review:
    • Need to add explanation on the methods
    • Add a section on data analysis
    • Elaborate how to explain the data
    • Check out on the risk of bias (Egger’s test) \(\to\) Consider to remove it
    • Add line of expected prevalence to the figure
  • Medication trend:
    • Add the method section and elaborate in full extend what I did
    • Sent the report summary to Jens and Frederike


  • Plan a regular meeting with Prof. Frederike, preferably biweekly \(\to\) Joint meeting with Prof. Talitha
  • Communicate results in a general context, avoid technical jargon if possible
  • Keep the main objectives in check
  • Consult to experts before submitting a paper
  • Ask Taichi about pint of science
  • Find about science communication at https://europa.eu/


  • Consider using policies/events during COVID-19 pandemic as exogenous regressors
  • Contact people from Econometrics and Operations Research group
  • Have a discussion with Irene


  • Ask the secretary (Vicky) for the UMCG card
  • Reschedule the 6-mo interview with Prof. Frederike and Prof. Talitha
  • Share link about Git course to Prof. Talitha
  • Discuss about time-series analysis with other PhD students/Post-docs
  • Dutch’s PhD conference in mental health


  • Preparation for 6-mo interview
  • Suggestions from the presentation:
    • Definition on resilience is important, keep it that way
    • Use only conceptual framework for RUG intro essay, no need for theoretical framework
    • Describe a bit about medication use in mental health issue, e.g. how it impacts resilience
  • When planning the survey:
    • Consult to Prof. Mirra and Prof. Frederike
    • Need: Face validity, pilot study, dissemination
    • Plan for the proposal defense by the EOY
    • Include more variables relevant to ABM
    • Set the deadline when the ethical clearance should be submitted
  • Scoping review:
    • Expedite the bibliometrix analysis
    • Start searching and reading
  • IADB analyis: Should be finished by the EOM in April
  • Conferences to check:
    • IHEA: https://healtheconomics.org/events
    • InaHTA
    • EuroHEA
    • ISPOR
    • HTEA
    • SMDM


  • Prof. Talitha will join the pre-proposal defense on the 20th of December 2023
  • Input for proposal:
    • Will be commented on Saturday
    • Figures: Clarify how medication affect resilience
  • IADB TS:
    • Use monthly data to evaluate periodicity
    • Explore periodicity in first-order differenced data


  • Split dataset into training and testing
  • Evaluate metrics based on https://stats.stackexchange.com/a/418386
    • Mean Error, Mean Absolute Error, Root Mean Squared Error
    • Mean Percentage Error, Mean Absolute Percentage Error, Mean Absolute Scaled Error
    • Autocorrelation of errors at lag 1
  • Check literatures on time-series analysis for medication claim/prescription data
  • Ask Stijn about temporal network analysis
  • Make a different descriptive plot:
    • Y axis: Metrics
    • X axis: Jan - Dec
    • Color: Year
    • Circular histogram plot for each year


  • IADB medication claim time-series analysis:
    • Hypothesis: High eigenvector centrality in medication with low claim
    • Need people familiar with time-series analysis as a co-author
    • Create a circular histogram
    • Email Guiling to confirm her findings
    • Use causal inference method to get counterfactual trend
    • Find diagnostic measures
    • Network analysis:
      • Find methods to evaluate network evolution
      • Do a subset analysis on psychopharmaca
  • Contact the principal investigator from SEARO WMH Consortium
  • Complete the six-month interview document and send it to Prof. Talitha


  • See the decomposition per claim and per patient as well
  • For time-series analysis, we will need other people knowledgeable in this field to check on our data \(\to\) Check with Sumayra
  • Contact Hao to plan a meeting on discussing ISPOR student chapter RUG


  • Survey \(\to\) Involve dr. Fidiansyah
  • Proposal should be submitted before December
  • Proposal defense:
    • Prof. Mako
    • Prof. Talitha
    • dr. Irmansyah
    • dr. Nugroho Harry Santoso
    • Pak Yahya Umar
    • Prof. Besral
  • Add a qualitative approach in methods:
    • FGD: 8-12 people per group \(\to\) Number of groups depends on the demography
    • Semi-structured in-depth interview with community leaders


  • Will have a meeting with Prof. Mako on Sunday: Discuss the possibility of connecting with dr. Irmansyah
  • Business generator team in RUG: https://www.businessgeneratorgroningen.com/
  • ISPOR student chapter \(\to\) It’s possible to do it in RUG
  • Prepare for next week:
    • Data management plan \(\to\) Check the template in RUG’s website: https://www.rug.nl/research/grip/research/griprdmp
    • Checklist for 6-month meeting


  • Bibliometrics analysis and scoping review:
    • Continue on reading about the Bradford’s law and Lotka’s coefficient
    • Determine how bibliometrics analysis can help the scoping review
    • Communicate with the librarian on how to perform search for scoping review
  • Discuss with Prof. Mako:
    • How to get it touch with dr. Firmansyah, or potentially with the MoH
    • What to report during the bimonthly meeting


  • Double-doctorate programme:
    • Confirm to dr. Indri when the MOU between RUG and UI will end
    • Send full contact information to Prof. Talitha
  • Ask: Access to World Mental Health survey data and CIDI results
    • CIDI: https://medicine.yale.edu/intmed/vacs/instruments/cidi_lifetime_paper_version_who-1_3299_284_639_v1.pdf
    • Netherlands participation via ESEMeD (https://www.hcp.med.harvard.edu/wmh/participating_collaborators.php):
      • Peter de Jonge, PhD - Principal Investigator, University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands
      • Margreet ten Have, PhD - Principal Investigator, Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction (Trimbos Institute)
      • Pim Cuijpers, PhD, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
      • Johan Ormel, PhD, University of Groningen, Netherlands
      • Ron de Graaf, PhD, Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction (Trimbos Institute)
    • Advantages of conducting WMH survey: https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/3E80691DB1C878C85779756486267C56/S1121189X00004395a.pdf/the-world-health-organization-world-mental-health-survey-initiative.pdf
    • Further contact:
      • South East Asia Regional Office (SEARO)
        • William G. Axinn, PhD - Principal Investigator, University of Michigan
        • Dirgha Ghimire, PhD - Principal Investigator, University of Michigan
      • Western Pacific Regional Office (WPRO) \(\to\) Regional coordinator: Kate Scott, PhD, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
    • US National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) data access: https://www.hcp.med.harvard.edu/ncs/ncs_data.php
  • Meeting preparation:
    • Contact dr. Frederike about the plan of joining WHO WMH survey


  • Umbrella review:
    • Intended message: Raising awareness of depression in T2DM patients
    • Discuss about what figures to include in the main manuscript and supplementary
      • World Health Bulletin
      • Lancet Global Health
    • Should focus more on the diabetes rather than the depression
    • Discuss which journal to submit
    • Results:
      • Create a footnote on the first table: Difference in reanalysis may be due to difference in selection
      • Explaining the meta-regression:
        • Change the reference into Americas (region) and others (instrument)
        • Add the reference to the table
        • Narratively explain how to read the table, give an example
    • Discussion:
      • Potentially need to discuss why the results are different
  • Scoping review:
    • Database to use: PsychLit, PsychInfo, PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science
  • Need to converge the methods for all planned studies
  • Prepare for 6-month interview, talk about it in the first meeting with Prof. Mako


  • Meeting with Prof. Mako: 27 Oct 2023, 16.00 GMT+7 (09.00 GMT+2)
  • Create a time table for the discussion with Prof. Mako and Dr. Frederike \(\to\) Plan the minutes of meeting
  • Propose:
    • Prioritize bibliometrics analysis \(\to\) Target: journal submission by December, this will also help my introductory essay
    • Expect delays on analysis of IADB data \(\to\) Still need one more week to breakdown the toolbox query, will contact Jens to schedule a meeting tomorrow EOD
    • Scoping review following bibliometrics analysis
  • Slide:
    • Speech is ok, but slide is too fast
    • Keep the point you’d like to discuss as the main focus of the slide
  • Hanneke from RIVM creates a scoping review on system dynamic model in healthcare \(\to\) In the later phase of my scoping review, I should consider having an FGD with RIVM team
  • Umbrella review:
    • Preserve the outliers when analyzing the data
    • Create a pairplot and do descriptive analysis from data with preserved outliers:
      • Variables:
        • IV: Prevalence
        • DV: Year of publication, region, and psychometric instrument
    • When fitting metaregression: Set region, year of publication, and psychometric instrument as covariates
    • Consider extracting the dataset and perform clustering analysis


  • Umbrella review:
    • Do not remove outliers
    • Use GBD data to calculate the relative risk of having depression in T2DM
    • Complete the data analysis sub-section in the manuscript
    • Storytelling:
      • Do umbrella review on 23 studies \(\to\) Fetch all the primary studies
      • Redo meta-analysis, see that the variance is too high
      • We attempted to explain the variance \(\to\) Subgroup meta-analysis and meta-regression
      • The heterogeneity is 2% explained by year, meaning that overtime the prevalence of depression is increasing among T2DM patients
      • Interestingly, the GBD data shows that MDD prevalence stays the same while T2DM is increasing overtime
      • The increasing MDD prevalence in T2DM might be explained by T2DM
      • Data from GBD also shows increasing risk of depression in T2DM patients
  • IADB:
    • Continue breaking down the source codes
    • Plan a meeting with Talitha and Jens


  • Meeting with Prof. Mako should be rescheduled to 20 or 27 October
  • Umbrella review:
    • Anomaly detection:
      • Instead of removing the outliers based on 95% CI, it’s better to apply outlier detection algorithm
      • Use IQR as a criteria
      • Span the results based on year, do a five-year rolling window
    • Metaregression:
      • Standardize the covariance, they should have the same range
      • Year: Set the smallest value of year as an index year
      • Experimental model: Fit a model without \(\beta_0\)
      • Addressed concerns:
        • Pooling of proportion from all entries:
          • Do we really want to pool over all studies? That is, do we think we can find a single estimate of the prevalence of MDD in T2DM that would be relevant worldwide and irrespective of outcome or time.
          • Maybe here the proportion as a measure of prevalence differs from an effect measure, where you may reasonably assume it to be independent of setting in principle.
          • Maybe when we combine all the 634 studies, this gives us the global average, which of course reflects a lot of heterogeneity (as we may expres by presenting a histogram). We should then ensure not to take more than one proportion from each study. (so it will be less than 634).
          • Maybe that is more relevant than taking only the studies that are closest together (to avoid heterogeneity). Since we do expect and understand heterogeneity.
        • Subgroup analysis:
          • Do we indeed expect that once we concentrate on country, we can expect to pool? I would be inclined to think so, but as you show, also time, outcome measure and maybe more do matter.
          • So question: Once you stratify by country: can we combine studies into a setting specific average? Is homogeneity sufficient? If not, does it make sense to select studies based on being no outlier? Or would it be more appropriate to further stratify for factors that will explain heterogeneity, like time of study and outcome measure?
        • Next approach to explore:
          • About the pooling. Another factor that could explain heterogeneity is underlying prevalence of MDD and of T2DM.
          • Next to outcome measure, that may also be a matter of risk profile of the population (e.g. obesitas).
          • So could you and Nora also find the expected prevalence (by country/by time), based on published prevalence estimates of MDD and of T2DM (using GBD, WHO, OECD or IHME published numbers, whatever is most clear and consistent); calculate the expected proportion of MDD in T2DM based on such prevalences and then start doing the meta-regression on the remainder (So the additional prevalence of MDD over what you may expect) or maybe on the RR (the crude proportion divided by the expected proportion) or Odds Ratio.
          • Possibly this latter measure is one that you may expect to be the same irrespective of time or setting more reasonably, since it is more of an effect measure (the effect of T2DM on MDD risk). So then it becomes more reasonable to use established methods of meta-regression packages, which were initially developed for pooling effect measures.
          • For the analysis of the observed proportions, I think it is mostly the heterogeneity that you need to show in the results: SO how this varies indeed by country (a map would be great), by outcome measure etc.
          • If you take more than one outcome per study, how could you take account of the dependence these will have? Multilevel analysis an option? Or using clustered standard errors??
    • Analyzing RR:
      • Get the prevalence of MDD in the general population based on year and/or country \(\to\) Check GBD or IHME
      • RR = Prevalence of MDD in T2DM, as reported, divided by the prevalence of MDD in the general population
      • Compare the RR for each subgroup
    • Bayesian meta-analysis:
      • Use half-cauchy distribution as a prior for SE
      • Use beta distribution as a prior for the proportion
  • IADB:
    • Breakdown the toolbox, check what each lines do
    • Formulate questions to discuss with Jens
  • Check courses for meta-regression


  • Umbrella review:
    • Might need to redo the analysis
    • To discuss with Katja and Nora:
      • Pros and cons of the current approach
      • Discuss about multiple entries
    • Discuss with Xinyu regarding meta-regression done by the mathematician in RUG:
      • Comparison of methods and packages to conduct metaregression
      • How to handle logit transformation
  • IADB data:
    • Recheck the use of persistence toolbox \(\to\) Combine parts of the code to my query
    • Change the overlap query into weekly basis
    • Check what we know about concurrent medication uses before and during the pandemic
  • Scoping review:
    • Use multiple search to address:
      • Stressors, self perception, and resilience
      • Medication/policy and resilience
      • Resilience and psychological outcomes
    • Check PRISMA guideline on selecting articles for a scoping review
    • Perform bibliometrics analysis to narrow down the search
    • Need to create a clear selection criteria
    • Have a discussion with Frederike Jorg/librarian about the search strategy
    • Check on published articles using scoping review to investigate psychological disorders:
      • https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033291721004177
      • https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnpbp.2020.110111


  • Do monthly meeting with Prof. Talitha and Assoc. Prof. Frederika Jorg on Tuesday/Thursday
  • Bimonthly meeting should involve Prof. Mako
  • Umbrella review:
    • Create a flow diagram of data management
    • Describe what kind of study is being discarded
    • Merge Korea with South Korea when cleaning the dataset
    • Merge Arab Saudi with Saudi Arabia
    • Merge Maryland with USA
    • In EDA, arrange the self-report instrument together
    • Subgroup analysis for the incl_year
    • Search for metaregression for prevalence
    • Share the paper about prediction interval (from meta) and I2 to Prof. Talitha


  • Course to take: https://cursus1.webhosting.rug.nl/gsms/course-information/?tx_seminars_pi1%5BshowUid%5D=1675
  • IADB data:
    • Need to perform descriptive statistics
    • Tinker the SQL code from IADB toolbox for
  • Research proposal:
    • Align the research questions with IADB data request protocol:
      • 1: Add the phrase: “In relation with drug’s use”
      • 2: Check the data request protocol
      • 3: How does an individual perceive their health in relation with environmental stressors, such as the COVID-19 pandemic?
    • In scoping review: Include the role of medicine to resilience
    • Find a co-author with primary domain in neuropsychiatry or neurpsychology \(\to\) Contact dr. Khamelia
    • Simplify the idea about the model


  • Contact Prof. Mako regarding monthly or bi-monthly regular meeting \(\to\) Output: Brief MoM
  • Protocol draft:
    • Table of population estimate: Check the box to include this data
    • Title: Add in adults
    • Overview of literature: Add other study on the effect of pandemic on the use of psychopharmaca \(\to\) Tell how many studies have been done, and how they were investigated
    • In methods: Add comparison during the pandemic because different policy might have different impact \(\to\) Add to the exploratory question
    • Clarify the research question, create a footnote to explain what a daily epoch is
    • Specify what the pattern implies in the secondary question
    • Specify “the past five years” as 2018-2022
    • Exclude patients whose prescribed duration is less than two weeks
    • Prescription table: Add variable request for the prescriber
    • Rewrite he effect measures \(\to\) Clarify the point in a layman term
    • In statistical methods:
      • First paragraph should be the summary of how I plan my analysis
      • Explain how to analyze the differences before and during COVID-19
      • Link each method with the research questions
      • Add references to the graph knowledge embedding
      • Clarify the aggregation on weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis (first paragraph in methods)
      • Specify what \(N\) means \(\to\) It is the total number of people making medication claim on daily basis
      • In the fourth paragraph
      • Explain how to handle patients with multiple drugs (use examples, as explained in the email)
      • Use subheadings to clarify which paragraph belongs to which ideas:
        • Executive summary (in bullet point)
        • Data management and feature engineering
        • Concurrent medication use as a matrix
        • Data analysis plan
      • Show the formula for eigenvector centrality \(\to\) Refers to the R package being used and its function
      • Explain that the node is the medication
      • Last paragraph: Refer subgroup to the “Stratification of data” section
    • Stratification on age:
      • WHO/ILO: 18-25, 25-35, 35-45, 45-55, >56
      • Theory: 18-25, 25-45, 45-55, >56
    • Report: Interim analysis should be discussed and reported to IADB as well
  • Discuss with Nynke Bosman regarding the medication and policy in the Netherlands
  • Ask Fang about Dutch’s guideline on MDD and anxiety disorder \(\to\) Use this as a baseline to select the medication
  • There’s a table describing zip code into socioeconomic status
  • Ask Frederick about courses for time-series analysis


  • Complete the data request form by next week
  • Draft a SQL query for data request
  • Proposal revision:
    • Choice of graph metrics \(\to\) Include this as a literature review \(\to\) Mention in subsection 4.2
    • Last paragraph in 4.2 is redundant, make it more compact
    • Add about the time-series analysis
    • Clarify the overall purpose: Is it to evaluate seasonality (pattern) or trend?
    • Add about the age range: 18-65
    • In the introduction of 4.2, explain why concurrent drug use is important to evaluate
    • Guideline to use when selecting the medication
  • Master’s course of time-series analysis in Autumn \(\to\) In mathematics and economics department:
    • Mathematics: Fitting dynamical model to data
    • Economics: (Needs further searching)


  • Complete the SQL course from IADB, then submit it right away
  • Read the book: Going beyond cost-effectiveness by Kaying Kan
  • Consider doing:
    • Interrupted time-series analysis
    • Moving average
  • List all medications needed \(\to\) Will discuss it later